Ample Sound - Ample Guitar Semi Hollow 3.2.0 (WIN/OSX) x64


Ample Sound - The Ample Guitar Semi Hollow 3 is modeled on the Gibson ES 335 semi-empty fingerstyle guitar pickup and sounds warm and soft. Suitable for Jazz Fusion and Blues genres. 

Download: Ample Sound - Ample Guitar Semi Hollow 3.2.0 (WIN/OSX) x64

Ample Sound - Ample Guitar TC 3.2.0 (WIN/OSX)


Ample Sound - Ample Guitar TC 3 is a virtual electric guitar that brings the sound of a Fender Telecaster (John English Masterbuilt) to your studio. 

Download: Ample Sound - Ample Guitar TC 3.2.0 (WIN/OSX)

Ample Sound - Ample Bass Jaco Fretless III v3.2.0 (WIN/OSX)


Ample Bass Jaco Fretless III is a virtual fretless bass guitar that brings the sound of the Fender Custom Shop Jaco Pastorius Relic Fretless Jazz Bass to your studio. Ample Bass Jaco Fretless contains a library of over 2GB of samples recorded on each fret. 

Download: Ample Sound - Ample Bass Jaco Fretless III v3.2.0 (WIN/OSX)

Ample Sound - Ample Guitar SJ III v3.3.0 (WIN/OSX)


Ample Sound - Ample Guitar SJ III v3 is a virtual acoustic guitar that brings the sound of the Gibson SJ-200 Vintage Custom Shop acoustic guitar to your studio. 

Download: Ample Sound - Ample Guitar SJ III v3.3.0 (WIN/OSX)

Ample Sound - Ample Guitar L III v3.2.0 (WIN/OSX)


Ample Guitar L III is a virtual guitar that brings the sound of the Alhambra Luthier classical guitar to your studio. Ample Guitar L contains two sample libraries Finger Library and Pick Library with a total volume of over 4 GB. 

Download: Ample Sound - Ample Guitar L III v3.2.0 (WIN/OSX)

Ample Sound - Ample Guitar VC 3.2.0 (WIN/OSX) x64


Ample Guitar VC III will add the sound of a Gibson SG Vintage 61 electric guitar to your studio, perfect for vintage rock and roll from the 70s and 80s. 

Download: Ample Sound - Ample Guitar VC 3.2.0 (WIN/OSX) x64


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